Operation Uplift

Lizzie Ryan, Scoop

“60% of nurses and 20% of Physicians say they are planning to leave their profession, as a direct result of the well-being impact caused by COVID-19”.

To tackle this looming epidemic, we have created a powerful new tool and resource for you, entitled Operation Uplift Team Charter – A comprehensive initiative to appreciate, nurture and support our Caregiver Heroes.

To take meaningful preventative steps to pre-empt the potential for COVID PTSD, we recommend your Service Excellence Council appoint a performance improvement team and utilize the charter and resources provided.

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Our Mission

Creating a 5 Star Culture of Healing Kindness

Our Vision

KindnessCareEverywhere Logo

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Core Values

We believe in...

 Relationships First, Business Second

 Innovation – There’s always a better way

 Engagement Matters – We’re All In

 Together We’re Better

Excellence in Everything We Do

Our System

Engage, Empower, Transform


Engage patients, caregivers, and providers through a robust CareSay™ Suite platform of ten digital listening and response improvement solutions.



Empower caregivers at every level through the Everyone's a Caregiver® Micro-Webinar System, to deliver a five-star patient experience.



Transform your culture and create a DNA of healing kindness through our dynamic Service Excellence Initiative™ live training experience.