
Kindness Blog

A collection of kindness stories, where everyday heroes share their extraordinary acts of compassion and goodwill. We hope these stories will touch your heart, ignite your creativity, and motivate you to spread kindness in your own way. Join us in celebrating the incredible impact of kindness.


T.J. Adkinson goes the extra mile, such as making a special trip to the store to satisfy a dying patient's craving for Root Beer when it wasn't available in the kitchen, and it was the only thing that sounded good to this patient. T.J. willingly worked additional hours, without any complaints, when his coworker faced a critical illness.

 T.J. excels as a chef, putting in considerable effort to create fresh and enticing monthly menus. His culinary creations are adored by both patients and staff, with some elderly patients even choosing to have lunch at the hospital just to enjoy the restaurant-quality food he prepares.

 T.J. is one of the friendliest and most welcoming individuals you will ever meet. He knows and acknowledges every employee by name and always asks them how their day is going, as if they were lifelong friends.

This seems small, but in the post-COVID world after months in masks and not being about to see smiles or faces, this simple thing is exceptional! It inspires others to put their heads up and acknowledge others.

T.J. is always looking for a way to bring a smile to the employees and patients of Rio Grande Hospital. He introduced "Ice Cream Thursday," a weekly event featuring a different flavor of ice cream which is free to all. This has become highly anticipated by many. In a recent survey, "Ice Cream Thursday" received praise multiple times as one of the most appreciated initiatives undertaken by RGH this year.

T.J. often arrives at work early to prepare breakfast for meetings he isn't required to attend. This can include baking fresh croissants for all participants, ensuring they have a delicious start to their day.

T.J. candidly helps generate ideas on how to better serve our less heard members of the community. Several new community outreach projects have been generated with his help including work on a school-based health clinic and a wellness initiative designed to encourage preventive care.

- Submitted by Andres Torres & Heidi Helgeson at Rio Grande Hospital, Del Norte, CO

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