
Kindness Blog

A collection of kindness stories, where everyday heroes share their extraordinary acts of compassion and goodwill. We hope these stories will touch your heart, ignite your creativity, and motivate you to spread kindness in your own way. Join us in celebrating the incredible impact of kindness.


Tammy Mundy is a provider, teacher, friend and mentor to everyone she has the opportunity to work with.  Tammy gets to know her patients and their families.  Not just their name and where they are from, she really knows them and their history.  She knows their background, favorite vacation spots, what makes them tick.

When Covid first hit and the shelves in the grocery stores were bare, Tammy Mundy was there to help make sure her patients had everything they needed.  An elderly patient had searched the county for one sack of flour and wasn't able to find flour anywhere.  To some, a simple sack of flour isn't a big deal but to this elderly lady who is raising not one, but two of her great-grandchildren, this flour was a way to help stretch the food to make multiple meals for her and her great-grandkids.  Tammy to the rescue!  She was able to find the jumbo bag of flour and made sure the patient had it the very next day.

Tammy has cleaned out closets to make sure that a family taking in foster kids had plenty of clothes when they welcomed the children into their home.

The day before Thanksgiving she quickly scurried to put together a basket complete with turkey, stuffing and all the fixins that complete a family dinner because a patient had no money in her bank account and wasn't able to afford to feed her family that holiday.

In a culture where home visits are no longer a thing, Tammy makes home visits to check on patients when they are unable to come to the office.  Tammy not only takes care of them when they are living but pays her respects at the funeral home when anyone she has cared for passes away.

Tammy has been an inspirational role model, encouraging personal growth and educational pursuits.

She serves as a steadfast cheerleader and advocate for co-workers facing challenging days, fostering self-improvement in all she encounters. Tammy consistently prioritizes doing what's right, even when it's not the most popular choice.

- Submitted by Jennifer Finley at Valley Professionals Community Health Center, Clinton, IN

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